Imaging Spectroscopy: Earth and Planetary Remote Sensing with the PSI Tetracorder and Expert Systems from Rovers to EMIT and Beyond. |
R. N. Clark, et al. |
2024 |
The Planetary Science Journal | |
Improved constraints on hematite refractive index for estimating climatic effects of dust aerosols |
L. Li, et al. |
2024 |
Communications Earth & Environment | |
Mapping, quantifying, and attributing methane and carbon dioxide emissions from space using EMIT |
A. K. Thorpe, et al. |
2023 |
Science Advances | |
On-orbit Calibration and Performance of the EMIT Imaging Spectrometer |
D. R. Thompson, et al. |
2023 |
Remote Sensing of Environment | |
Performance and Early Results from the Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation (EMIT) Imaging Spectroscopy Mission |
R. O. Green, et al. |
2023 |
2023 IEEE Aerospace conference pp.1-10 | |
Generalized radiative transfer emulation for imaging spectroscopy reflectance retrievals |
P. G. Brodrick, et al |
2021 |
Remote Sensing of Environment 261 | |
The EMIT Mission Information Yield for Mineral Dust Radiative Forcing |
D. S. Connelly, et al |
2021 |
Remote Sensing of Environment 258 | |
The Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation: An Earth Science Imaging Spectroscopy Mission. |
Green, Robert O., Natalie Mahowald, Charlene Ung, David R. Thompson, Lori Bator, Matthew Bennet, Michael Bernas et al. |
2020 |
2020 IEEE Aerospace Conference pp. 1-15 |
Quantifying the range of the dust direct radiative effect due to source mineralogy uncertainty. |
Li, Longlei, Natalie M. Mahowald, Ron L. Miller, Carlos Pérez García-Pando, Martina Klose, Douglas S. Hamilton, Maria Gonçalves Ageitos et al. |
2020 |
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, pp.1-58 |
NASA's Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation |
Green, R. O.; Mahowald, N. M.; Clark, R. N.; Ehlmann, B. L.; Ginoux, P. A.; Kalashnikova, O. V.; Miller, R. L.; Okin, G.; Painter, T. H.; Pérez García-Pando, C.; Realmuto, V. J.; Swayze, G. A.; Thompson, D. R.; Middleton, E.; Guanter, L.; Ben Dor, E.; Phillips, B. R. |
2018 |
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts | |
Optimal estimation for imaging spectrometer atmospheric correction |
Thompson, David R.; Natraj, Vijay; Green, Robert O.; Helmlinger, Mark C.; Gao, Bo-Cai; Eastwood, Michael L. |
2018 |
Remote Sensing of Environment | |
Modeling dust as component minerals in the Community Atmosphere Model: Development of framework and impact on radiative forcing |
Scanza, R. A.; Mahowald, N.; Ghan, S.; Zender, C. S.; Kok, J. F.; Liu, X.; Zhang, Y.; Albani, S. |
2015 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | |
Aerosol impacts on climate and biogeochemistry |
Mahowald, N., Ward, D.S., Kloster, S., Flanner, M.G., Heald, C.L., Heavens, N.G., Hess, P.G., Lamarque, J.F. and Chuang, P.Y. |
2011 |
Annual review of environment and resources | |
Impact of dust radiative forcing upon climate. In Mineral Dust: A Key Player in the Earth System |
Miller, R.L., Cakmur, R.V., Perlwitz, J., Geogdzhayev, I.V., Ginoux, P., Koch, D., Kohfeld, K.E., Prigent, C., Ruedy, R., Schmidt, G.A. and Tegen, I. |
2006 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | |
Imaging spectroscopy: Earth and planetary remote sensing with the USGS Tetracorder and expert systems |
Clark, Roger N., Gregg A. Swayze, K. Eric Livo, Raymond F. Kokaly, Steve J. Sutley, J. Brad Dalton, Robert R. McDougal, and Carol A. Gent. |
2003 |
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets | |
On-orbit radiometric and spectral calibration characteristics of EO-1 Hyperion derived with an underflight of AVIRIS and in situ measurements at Salar de Arizaro, Argentina |
Green, R.O.; Pavri, B.E.; Chrien, T.G. |
2003 |
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | |
Imaging Spectroscopy and the Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) |
Green, Robert O; Eastwood, Michael L; Sarture, Charles M; Chrien, Thomas G; Aronsson, Mikael; Chippendale, Bruce J; Faust, Jessica A; Pavri, Betina E; Chovit, Christopher J; Solis, Manuel; Olah, Martin R; Williams, Orlesa |
1998 |
Remote Sensing of Environment | |